Packet Pickup - Packets available in front of the school
Students/Parents should bring:
- 手机建立的VPN网络共享给电脑:2021-4-16 · VPN这个概念我想已经不需要再进行解释了,大家都知道所指的是虚拟局域网,也就是说将远程的网络或客户端虚拟到一个局域网内,伡便数据共享和进行其他类似于局域网内用户的相互操作。 按理说,如果你是通过路由器或堆叠式交换机(可管理交换机)设置的VPN是能够允许不同的操作系统进行 ...
- Completed/signed paperwork from the packet
Monday, August 10, 2025
- 8th grade: To Be Determined
Tuesday, August 11, 2025
- 7th grade: To Be Determined
- 6th grade: To Be Determined
Welcome to Aliso Viejo Middle School! I am so proud to be the principal at AVMS and continue our strong traditions of success. At AVMS, we focus on young adolescents. We are all here because we truly enjoy the rewards and challenges of working with middle school age children and their parents. All of our teachers have special training or experience that makes them uniquely qualified to work with your children. Everything we do is done with middle school children in mind and we look forward to including you in those efforts. You will not find a better learning environment for your young adolescent! We sincerely believe all children can learn.
We are proud that AVMS has been previously recognized as a California Distinguished School and a National Blue Ribbon School. We received these awards as a result of our strong instructional programs, skilled and talented staff, high standards, parent and community involvement, and emphasis on technology. Our academic programs are rigorous and we prepare our students very thoroughly for high school, college and careers.
At AVMS, we realize students are going through an important transition. Middle school is the place where students learn skills and knowledge that take them from the smaller elementary school environment to the independence and initiative required at the high school. More Information Here